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Student Computing

Network & Computing Support for CWSL Students

Sending Encrypted Email

There are times when we need to send confidential information through email.  But email by it's very nature is not secure and not confidential.  In Office 365 we can send confidential messages in an encrypted email message.

 To send encrypted email, you must be in the Outlook app in Microsoft 365 online.  (Some email programs may be able to send encrypted email, but we do not support this at this time)

In Office 365, start a new message.  Just above the To: line, where you would put the recipient's address, there is an Encrypt button.

Click the Encrypt button, and the email will be encrypted.  It's that easy.  Once you click the Encrypt button, you will see a label on the email telling you it is encrypted.

Now you can just write and send the email normally.

If the recipient receives the email in Office 365, then they can simply open the email normally.

If the recipient is not part of CWSL, or tries to open the email in an email app, the email will look something like this:


When you click the "Read the message" button, it will take you to a web page like this.

This web page is generated by the Microsoft 365 system.  In this case, the email was addressed to a Gmail address, so the person has to sign in to the Gmail account to confirm their identity.  Once the person has signed in, then the message will open in a web page.

While there is no guarantee this will work for everybody, this should work for most email systems.


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