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Student Computing

Network & Computing Support for CWSL Students

Getting Started

Go to  This is the ExamSoft page for CWSL.

Log in using your ExamSoft ID and password.  This is not the same as your CWSL network username and password.  Your ExamSoft student ID is the same as your CWSL Student ID number.  The original password was sent to you via email and is one of those computer generated impossible-to-remember passwords.  Once you have logged in, you will have a chance to change your password.

In case you have trouble finding the email that has your Student ID and password, there is a shortcut you can use to change your password. Click on the link that says "Lost Student ID or Password?" Enter your Student ID number or email address. The system will send an email to your CWSL email account with a link that will allow you to reset your password.  You can reset your ExamSoft password, then log in normally.

login to examplify screenshow with arrow pointing at the "lost student ID or Password?" link

Download & Install

Once you are logged in, check the left side of the screen and find the section titled "Install & Register Examplify"

 Click the Download button, and follow the directions to download and install the software.

(I don't have step-by-step instructions for this, because it varies depending on which browser you have).

If you have a Mac with the new M1 processor, you will need the instructions at this page.

screenshot of button to click download for examsoft


Installing Visual C

On a Windows computer, you may get a pop up window that looks like this:

If you get this, it just means that you need to install this module.  Your computer may need to reboot after the installation.  So save all your stuff, then click on Install, and let the program install.

Install Visual C


Register Examplify


When you run Examplify for the first time, there are a couple of set up steps.

First, the license agreement

 Scroll all the way to the bottom, and then click I Agree.
(you have to scroll all the way to the bottom, or it won't let you agree)


Next is is the Add New Account Screen.

In this field, you will enter "CWSL" for the Institution ID.
(not your account number, not yet)


 Once you enter "CWSL"  the screen should then look like this, with "California Western School of Law" in the field.  Once you see this screen, click "Next"

On this next screen you enter your CWSL Student ID number, and your ExamSoft password, and click Sign In

Now your copy of Examplify is registered to you and CWSL.


Now your set up is complete.  It is time to take an exam.


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