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Student Computing

Network & Computing Support for CWSL Students

Mock Exam

Examplify comes with mock exams that you can use to test Examplify and see how it works.  The mock exams work exactly the same way a real exam works, except you don't get graded on what you write.  The mock exams will be included with the normal exam files for download.

For the Spring 2024 semester, we have three mock exams.   We recommend that you use the mock exams to see how Examplify will work on your computer, and to familiarize yourself with the word processor.  Passwords are case sensitive.  The first three characters are letters, the last three are numbers.

Mock_Exam_Spring_2024_Non-Secure_Internet Access    
Non-secure exam, internet access is enabled
Password: ABC123

Mock_Exam_Spring_2024_Non-Secure_No Internet
Non-secure exam, internet access disabled
Password: DEF456

Secure exam.  No access to any computer functions except for the exam software.
Password: GHI789
