► ATTENTION Graduating Classes — this step is required:
Register with database providers as a law school student before graduation.
Fastcase is a legal research database similar to Lexis and Westlaw
Fastcase is a free member-benefit of the California Lawyers Association (CLA) and many other bar associations. Join CLA for FREE while attending law school to access Fastcase. Membership is based on the calendar year so access will continue through December for graduates, and longer for bar members.
► Summary: Bloomberg Law and Lexis offer six-months access to student account-holders post-graduation. Westlaw requires opt-in.
Graduates have automatic, unlimited and unrestricted access to Bloomberg Law accounts for six months after graduation. Register for a Bloomberg Law account using your student email at http://www.bloomberglaw.com/activate. No activation code is required.
Graduates who opt into Westlaw's Graduate Elite program have access to Westlaw Edge, for six months after graduation. “Grad Elite” access is capped at 60-hours of usage per month and cannot be used in situations where billing a client.
Click Graduate Elite program to enroll OR go to www.lawschool.tr.com, and
Lexis+ Access for Law School Graduates continues for six months after graduation with the same Lexis+ User ID. The ASPIRE Graduate Program permits graduates engaged in 501(c)(3) public interest work to opt into access for 12 months. See below for more info regarding access to Lexis+ for graduates: