Get concise maps, or knowledge trees, of each subject tested on the California Bar Exam. Even if you are enrolled in the school's bar preparation program with BarBri, these schemas can still help see at glance a bird's eye view of each subject and how the legal issues involved in that subject relate to each other. Note on Bar Secrets
Updates to the Bar Secrets print line are no longer available in print to those who do not contact Bar Secrets and pay for the print books along with a bar preparation course. The resources that we have were donated before this change. These other resources from the Bar Secrets line were donated, still available at the Circulation Desk, and include the following.
These outlines below came from the Barbri bar preparation courses that are a part of the school's bar prep program. To use them you might need an understanding of how they work together. The Conviser Mini-Review is the one book with outlines of all subjects tested on the California Bar. The California and Multistate books are both larger than the Conviser Mini-Review, and they contain more in depth outlines than the Conviser Mini-Review. Other outlines, from Barbri as well as other bar review courses, are on reserve at the circulation desk as well, and we would be happy to accept donations of more recent materials.
There are various books from many publisher (including more books from Bar Secrets and Barbri). Many have previous essays question to take available with sample or model answers included like the link above to past exams. Some other books on bar preparation available are below, but the best advice for our graduates studying for the bar in the school's program is to consult you course instructors and the Assistant Director of Bar Programs, Carly Sassi. They can give you personalized advice on modifying your program's study plan to make it work better your you.